Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wk 4

Still managing to keep up....just.  It was a peculiar week.  A good theatre visit to see "Juno and the Paycock" at the Geoffrey Whitworrth theatre, a local amateur group with a very high standard. Rest of the week was a bit of a misery with various dental issues. Uck so my Documented Life this week looks like this.  The prompt was to write a message and then obliterate all but one word.  I won't tell you what I wrote but the page looks like this.

My runner is a bit more cheerful and records the theatre visit and the fact that the snowdrops are up in the garden.
Good job that we can see them from the window as gardening is out of the question. We are moaning about the weather but only mildly inconvenienced, my sympathies go to those who are so badly affected. 


Susanne said...

you've inspired me to have a go at the documented life project - first few pages have turned out more scrapbook than art journal, I think because I was playing catch-up - but hopefully I'll get more into it as the weeks go on. It's fun though. Thanks for the link and the idea.

sharon young said...

Oh you poor thing, I really sympathise, I hope it made you feel better when you documented your day. I love the fact that you wrote the word and then obliterated it :-)
Your runner is so gorgeous it made me smile.

Clare Wassermann said...

I love your peacock!!!