Saturday, January 14, 2017

No pressure then........ first offering for 1 Year of Stitches 2017   received 489 "Likes" and 60 very kind comments.  I hope I managed to respond to all of them but if I missed anyone,  thank you.  It has certainly been a fascinating week, the variety of stitches and styles is amazing. I have become slighly obsessive about my piece which now looks like this..

I am not sure about my attempt at  mendung clouds   , I find blues very difficult  to work with.   When I first started making stage costumes(amateur) the lighting designer (professional) told me that blues were the most difficult colour to light.  I think I should have stuck to my trusty indigo range but I was trying to brighten up.  We shall see if they balance out as the rest progresses otherwise they will have to come out. Not a pleasant thought as chain stitch may be one of the easiest to do but I have found it is a "b*****" to undo.
One of the unexpected benefits of 1 Year is the links to other places.  Here are two I liked. First
 A beautiful site for ribbon embroidery with very good tutorials. One of these days...
The other is Folksy a site selling modern British craft. I have ordered these buttons in anticipation of vast production this year.

Handmade "yearofstitches2017" Button( 1  Pack of 10)

We have a had a liittle snow here and worse, a biting cold wind so a bit of surfing (web) hs been the order of the day.
Please go an look at this site   Kirsty Mitchell    . I don't want to risk breaching copyright so I can't post a picture but I promise you if you like colour you won't be disappointed.
 I was hoping to be able to comment on La La Land but the weather put paid to that little trip.  Hopefully next week.                                                

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