Sunday, February 26, 2006

Mutant Ladybirds

Ladybirds with curls, with feathers with scales and strange shaped spots.....some new ecological disaster? No just a group of embroiderers getting to grips with the mysteries of "stumpwork" in a workshop called "Sculptured Stiches" . Sam Beresford was the tutor, such a relaxed, amusing and encouraging teacher. There is something very special, I find, that happens when a group of women get together to sew. Tips and techniques get shared and certainly yesterday gentle teasings, jokes and laughter made it an enriching day.
I drove home in a true golden haze as apart from my uplifted mood the beautiful Darenth Valley was bathed in a glowing winter sunset. The only thing that spoiled it was, as per usual, I had forgotten my camera!!
And yes, it took me all day to get this far, so the next time I look at a piece of faded stumpwork in a stately home or museum I will bow my head to the skill and patience it represents.

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