Friday, November 13, 2009

November Calendar Girls.....

 The November inspiration  for the Calendar Girls was this picture by Arthur Rackham.chosen by Jenny.

As Jenny chose the subject and  loves felt  I was taking a bit of a chance trying out my new fascination with wet felting and it took three attempts.

Too dark, not enough detail..

 Too light, not enough detail

and finally what I hope is quite near.

You will notice that the figures defeated me and I haven't neatened the edges but I did cut off the stray threads before I sent it.


verobirdie said...

WOW, the third attempt is something! It was worth going on.

Micki said...

Pat, you got it just right. I love it.

Debbi Baker said...

Fabulous result Pat! Couldn't find your email to say thanks for your comment on the CG blog but thank you!

Stitchety Grub said...

Wow Pat ... clever you ... luv the final result - verrrry cool! Britt in Sunny West Aus :-)