Monday, February 26, 2007

EG workshop

Saturday was a workshop at the Embroiderers Guild with Lilian Harris. We could choose from several prety little bag patterns, I chose this little cone. At times because you were turning it back and forth from the inside and the outside it all became very confusing and you just had to take Lilian's reassurance that it would turn out alright. I suddenly found that rhyme about Hiawatha, I think it was a pop song way back, repreating in my brain. I couldn't remember exactly how it went so I searched until I found this.
From Wikepedia.Over time, this has been transformed into an elaborated version, sometimes attributed to Strong and sometimes (as in Carolyn Wells' A Nonsense Anthology) to "Anonymous:"

He killed the noble Mudjokivis.
Of the skin he made him mittens,
Made them with the fur side inside,
Made them with the skin side outside.
He, to get the warm side inside,
Put the inside skin side outside;
He to get the cold side outside
Put the warm side fur side inside.
That's why he put the fur side inside,
Why he put the skin side outside,
Why he turned them inside outside.

It was a good intensive workshop, I will try to make another one sometime without quite so many mistakes in it.


helina said...

This is beautiful and I like the connection with the poem, too

Anonymous said...

Interesting little bag, lovely colours!

artmixter said...

There are no mistakes. There are only design decisions. Well, it works for me...