Monday, August 15, 2011

Making space, contd....

I have finished assembling the background pieces for Space and not the scary bit begins, to start translating all the ideas which have been floating around in my head. This is almost how it looks, can't get the colour exact
  I am going to place the "planets" one by one. The little circles on the right were added to that stip during the Sun, Moon and Stars workshop. They may stay as part of an "asteroid belt" we will see.
This was the moon last Friday, playing hide and seek......

I just loved the colours.....

Monday, August 08, 2011

Feather brain......

As opart of her Magic Diaries Jude shared with us how she makes little feathers which are such a feature of her work. Jude's ideas are never static and her original sharing has now extended to an open invitation here.
Since she first mentioned them I have been seeing feathers everywhere. On my doorstep, on the way to the library, caught up on a tomato plant and this tiny little feather which presented itself at my feet out on the  Swale Estuary
and I turned into this
This is the feather I am sending to Jude.  I was thinking about my cloth, which seems to be calling itself Space at the moment.  And I figured that a feather in space would have no colour, coudn't make an ivisible one so this happened.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Monday, August 01, 2011

What's this ........

Can it be .....Tacking ?
..never been known!  Attaching space to my black hole and making planets. Mars is the first one to be made.
They won't be in relative side otherwise Jupiter would probably cover the whole cloth.