Saturday, January 01, 2011

Here we go....

 a new year. No lists of resolutions but a firm resolve to clear my workroom in the hope that I might be able to get in there and actually produce something. It is going to takes some time as this time...... things are going to be ejected!

In the meantime I have been having  little digital play. The first two are from my holiday.

and a London statue placed in a sky
The sky was actually an underwater photograph taken by my daughter and regarded, by her, as a dud!!!! 

                                                          I now pass it on for you to play.

I would like to thank everyone who left a comment and stuck with me through 2010.  I am going to send my wishes for 2011 in the words of Neil Gaiman

May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself. Neil Gaiman


Doreen G said...

Happy new year Pat

Margaret said...

Happy New Year, Pat! Mr. Gaiman says it just right.

P.S. Love the 'face in the sky' play!

Diane Kelsey said...

I really must have a go with Photoshop. The pictures are really great.

Susan D said...

Happy New Year Pat. After the year I've had those words sum up what I'm hoping for in 2011 thanks for sharing them.

Genie said...

Happy New Year Pat,
I have been playing with Digital Pics and Texture backgrounds,
Fun .