Monday, February 20, 2012

The Artist

I did enjoy  this film.  So clever. I was completely absorbed the whole way through and came out feeling very good. Give yourself a treat.

It is a well known fact that I am not an artist but I do love messing around with paint.  This is a little bit of collage, "stitched" together digitally.

Here they are mounted in the beautiful giant Moleskin my son bought for me.
 Things have to be auditioned to go in here.  It has taken me over a year to put anything on its beautiful pristine pages.  As the years roll on, so quickly it seems now, I must learn to use all those things I have been hoarding for so long.


Margaret said...

Pat, you mayn't think of yourself as an artist, but you are definitely artistic and that works for me! :-) I'm not a movie-goer but will have to look for this one. Is there a book? I'd like that better. :-)

I understand completely about our tendency to treat things as 'precious' and not use them when we should. Jude has taught me quite a bit about relaxing and using things up. Also my teachers Anna Hergert and Linda Kemshall, big on samples and playing and relaxing and not worrying about the materials -- they're meant to be used.

Keep up the lovely work!

sharon young said...

I must say The Artist wasn't one of my must sees but it did sound unusual, will look for it when it comes out on tv.
Love the collages, and what a super present from your son. I like the idea of auditioning pieces for such a special book.