Sunday, April 24, 2011

Heart cloth....

This is the sampler I have made following Jude Hill's Whispering Hearts. I was quite pleased with it and then I held it up to the light.
and I was even more pleased. The base of this cloth is one of DH's old handkerchiefs dyed with avocado skin and topped with a piece of scrim from the same dye bath.  I love the band of light (because I didn't plan this and hadn't started in the exact middle).  Now you know why I was frantically searching for my cord winder!  I wound a long length of cord and then cut it to make the fringe.  The little white heart in the bottom right is someone else's heart.  I found it on our swaps pile at EG, someone had been practising stump work I think.  It wasn't complete so I finished it off in a different colour silk.  I like having it there. Heart Whispering has been a lovely experience,as well as video it has lots of little audio snippets where Jude just shares her thoughts, very soothing and inspiring.


Doreen G said...

Pat it really does look beautiful with the light behind it.

Downunderdale said...

It's lovely Pat

Jackie said...

Lovely and especially lovely because you enjoyed making it. I like the light coming through.