Sunday, November 21, 2010


This was the day the sun deserted us.  Not anything unusual for our holidays but it was quite a shock on this one. Apart from Venice, I don't think I have ever seen so many tourists in one place.

War torn only a few years ago it was easy to see the new roofs among the old.

but very little other evidence of the damage remains.

and good use is made of every space. I think you would call this a multi-purpose court.

The walls still stand as a defence against the sea.

and this gives a whole new meaning to sea side cafe! Click to get a closer view.
Every narrow street seemed to be lined with cafes
and there were some interesting windows

This iron wooden ship sailed passed us. I lovel the building behind.
This one was getting underway with the washing already done.

and as we left I couldn't resist a swoosh

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